Friday, April 18, 2008

Not good enough...?

Doesn't it just piss you off? Like *SO* *MUCH*. When you try your absolute best, but no one cares? I mean like you acomplish something and someone acomplishes something even better, and then all of a sudden you're left there standing in the dust waiting for someone to notice you exist. People should never forget the normal people who also make a difference. They're voting for end of the school year awards for people who are smart, overachievers that are nice to people and do community service. Guess what category I go under? HAHAHAHA none of them. And even if I was, would anybody care? Nobody voted for me...whoopee. That just says like so much about me. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for those smart nice people, but what about us? I mean if we don't get voted for, if I don't get voted for, does that mean that I'm not as important or as *good* as those people who did? I try hard at school even if it doesn't show, I'm nice to people even if it doesn't show, and I care about community service even if noone cares. It's like I'm waving signs at you, I'm shouting at people to listen, it's like People I'm trying to show you that I'm a good person but how can I show you I'm a good person if...nobody cares? Now it's like starting to sound like I have some kinda big ego, like I think of myself like I'm some kind of perfect lil princess that everyone loves. Uh HELL NO. Like seriously I've never gotten an award in my life, and I'm guessing that has something to do with like not being good enough for a piece of freaking metal with my name on it. But it's like important to me. Like I have a low self esteem and i just need something, anything to prove that I'm a good person, that I can be a good person. You want to hear my accomplishments? Well I don't have any. The only one I have is probably that I do alot of community service, I did over 20 hours at the library helping with the summer reading program, and I did this pool clean up thing, and now I'm trying to start a Cellphone for Soldiers program at my school. Not that anyone cares. And at swim team I kill myself, like I literally kill myself trying to keep up with other people, at swim meets I try my best and I still don't get my time just so I can face the humiliation of everyone else. But noone cares. It sounds like I want attention, and I don't. But it's not selfish of me to just want a little attention. Everyone's praising the smart nice people, but what about me? Yea like seriously, What about me? Nothing. Nothing special. And obviously I'm not good enough. And I really think that I'm not good enough for myself. I really need to prove to myself that I'm a good person and that I'm not the only one who thinks that. But once again, nobody cares. Not even me.

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