Sunday, November 30, 2008

Sneak Peek ;)

A sneak peek to my 3 paged book xD

Looking back to two years ago, I don’t really feel like my feelings have changed for him at all. I think I actually feel like he’s the one person that can break my heart but keep it from falling apart all at the same time. I’ve known him since 3rd grade. Aw, such sweet memories of 4-square and dodge-ball… I don’t even remember how we became friends, but when I think about it, I just remember hanging out with him. His jokes were always the funniest, well, maybe not the FUNNIEST, but the way he said them was funny. He was the coolest dude I knew, mostly cause he was the only guy cool enough to sport a mullet. And let me tell you, he ROCKED that thing. I was a fatty…but he didn’t really care. He had a mullet…so we were even.

I remembered the way I felt when I found out he was moving. My heart was cut off its strings and the feeling of loneliness overcame me. It was hard imagining that the person I loved for 3 years could just LEAVE. And yes. I LOVE him. With everyday that passed, I just fell more and more in love with him. It wasn’t until he actually left that I realized that it wasn’t the kiddy love I felt for all my friends, but it was the kind of love that hurt. It was the kind of love that told me that I couldn’t live without him. I didn’t want him anymore...I NEEDED him.

Post Your Thoughts :]

Monday, November 17, 2008

The Average Novel? (What's a Novel!?)

Oh My God.
I am...writing a BOOK!?!?!
It's so's like this random spastic idea just smacked me in the face. The broken lightbulb floating above my head had sparked. *Gasp* 
Lemme give you the long story almost short version...
Once upon a time, there was this guy. This guy happened to be the coolest guy in all of RealityLand, and he was best friends with this girl, who was not the fairest of RealityLand, but rather the opposite. But this insanely cool guy didn't care how UN-awesome this girl was, he still liked being her friend anyways. UN-awesome girl fell in love with insanely cool guy but she had no chance in RealityLand. But sadly insanely cool guy MOVED? Yep, it's extremely sad. But what else can you expect from RealityLand? UN-awesome girl was sad and emailed him every day but he never replied....So UN-awesome just dreamt about him every night instead....And one day UN-awesome girl decided to write a book about her tragedy, except adding a fairytale ending...which just happens to be all her dreams.
And that is my long story almost short version.
Aren't you just excited for the book?
I know I'm not, cause I deleted the draft 3 times!
But I'll get past the title!
I know I can do it!
Ok, I'll be posting more, and sneak peeks of my book that will never get published.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Guys = Girls (Part 5)

Welcome back non-readers ;)
Today's lesson isn't really a lesson, it's more extremely helpful hint. (P.S. most helpful hints are actual HELPFUL. HINTS.) So here's the thing, when you're in deep doody, saying something sweet will make it semi better, but if you DO something sweet than we might actually let you off the hook. Actions speak louder than words. For instance:
You go to her parent's house, and you accidentally fart. Then after you farted-you being in shock- you say DAMMIT!
Ohhhh shizzet...
Or example number 2. You cheat on her....
(Examples aren't necessarily a good thing...btw.)
Don't just be like, I'm sorry. And then pretend like she's your baby again. Try getting her flowers or be creative or something! Write her a song, make a movie about her! SOMETHING!!!! 
And just so you guys know, being creative scores you extra points ;)
Hope this helps!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Guys = Girls (Part 4)

Welcome back my non readers ;)
Today is something that I think you guys are very oblivious to. The thing is that, girls don't like to wait. They don't like waiting for you guys to be like "Hey do you want to go out?". I mean it'll be worth the wait, but if you're gonna lead them on for like 3 years, I'd say that by then she's not going to be flattered at all, but actually kind of offended. And a big no-no is to let a girl like you for a looonggg time and when she's...."developed" then you ask her out. That is SUPER offending to girls, just is. For some girls it takes alot of time to process the fact that you are slowly rejecting them, while others just gossip those hurt feelings out. My point is that, you can NOT lead a girl on when you know for a fact that it ain't evvvaaa happenin', we are actually quite understanding (85ish% of the time). 
So remember, you either like us, or not. 
If we've got our minds' set, why don't you?

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Guys = Girls (Part 3)

This lesson is fairly simple, and it's something you probably already know and stuff, but it's something that I can NOT. STRESS. ENOUGH. And that is, that the following will NEVER. be funny (even when you're dateless to prom yet again, atleast you'll understand why.) ;
1. Fat jokes 
2. Jokes about their looks
3. Jokes about their FRIENDS looks
4. Big Butt jokes and
5. Boob jokes

Girls aren't like guys. Guys don't care about what they looks like, they all just stick on a shirt and pants and the next day just spray axe over it and wear it again. Girls spend most of their time thinking about why they think they're not pretty enough...Or why they think they're too fat or too flat, or not flat enough! Girls will just never think those kinds of jokes are funny, because they just aren't! So make sure that you don't:
A. Say jokes like that
B. Don't get mad when the girls get mad at you (because it's your fault!)
C. Tell all your friends those jokes while girls around....(That's gonna be ugly....)
And if one of those jokes happened to "slip out", make sure that you apologize ASAP!

 Super GirlGood luck out there ;)
-Super girl out.

Guys = Girls (Part 2)

Coming back for more?
Yeaaa, I thought so ;)
Okay, moving on to lesson #2
 "Why do girls think I'm conceited just because of what my friend's do?" 
Let's imagine this was happening...
So there's these girls, your guy friend (let's call him Bob), and you. So Bob goes ahead and cracks a joke about some girl's butt being big. Do you think the girl's gonna;
A. Laugh
B. Start crying when you're not looking.
C. Bitch slap you.
Well in some cases, all 3 can happen. She can laugh, then cry when you're not looking, then bitch slap you when she sees you again. Let's just say you're lucky this is a hypothetical case, and that you have my blog to rescue you.
Super GirlSuper girl is here to help of course ;)
So, the girl being all pissed off at Bob's crack (not literally) is going to be pissed at you. Can you not see why? Your choice of friends reflects on you. If your friends are the kind of guys who think the only things in life that are funny are yo mama jokes, than I'd say you'd better consider getting new friends from ebay. And no, you can never get chicks off a site called e-bay-bay. Keep dreaming...and it's still never going to happen. If your friends are intelligent, gorgeous, funny guys, than it looks like you're hanging with the right crew ;) 
Now remember, your choice of friends reflects yourself. So choose wisely. And if you want to keep "Yo Mama's" friends, than just tell them to no talk aloud in public.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Guys = Girls (Part 1)

Welcome to the first part of Guys = Girls. I hope you can keep up guys ;)

Part 1: Look at our FACES when you talk to us.
my face is up hereI know it's very frustrating for you to focus on what we're saying when you guys keep getting distracted. But it's very offending when we have to talk to the top of your head. Why is it not cool to check out girls while you're talking to them? Well because, first of all, girls expect you to like them for more than their looks. So on a first impression, checking out a girl's chest is a big nono. 
Second of all, she's going to think you're not paying attention to what she's saying...because you're not! Girl's have ways of knowing if you've been listening or not. Girl's never buy it when you tell them that you're listening, cause frankly you guys suck at lying when you're....staring....and drooling...
So that's rule #1. Now remember, our face is up here, not down there.

It's okay guys....Help is on the way!

Guys, I know how frustrating it is for you to not understand girls. Because frankly, girls understand you all to well. Maybe it's not technically "understand", it's a little more assuming what your actions mean. But THANK GOD my blog is here to help you guys. I'm gonna have a random mini-series on concepts that guys should UNDERSTAND about girls. Like, when you talk about how cool porn is, all the girls give you glares and gossip about how you're never going to get a girlfriend cause you're a sick perv. Well of course you're never going to get a helpSo don't be in doubt, because help is on the WAY!!!!
Well aren't you a luckyducky? :p

What happened to the trick or treaters?

Fellow non blog readers, what happened to you guys TRICK OR TREATING!?!? I spent the last 2 hours trying to find a decent place to ask for candy! And Oh My Gawd. Atleast TELL us that you're NOT going to give us candy. Like we walked up to a house with ALL their lights on, and we're like TRICK OR TREAT!! And they don't even ANSWER us. They just carry on while we awkwardly walk away with our (yet again) empty bags. And you GIRLS, with the bunny and cat ears, and the hooker outfits from Sluts'R'Us, didn't you know you were supposed to DRESS UP? Not be yourself ? I think we should change the name from Sluts'R'Us to Sluts'R'U. I think it's a bit more accurate.
Everyone says that the economy toilets so badly, that people can't even afford to BUY CANDY. I'm sorry, I'm not buying this. ARE YOU?
I didn't think so.
Don't get your hopes up out there...