Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Guys = Girls (Part 5)

Welcome back non-readers ;)
Today's lesson isn't really a lesson, it's more extremely helpful hint. (P.S. most helpful hints are actual HELPFUL. HINTS.) So here's the thing, when you're in deep doody, saying something sweet will make it semi better, but if you DO something sweet than we might actually let you off the hook. Actions speak louder than words. For instance:
You go to her parent's house, and you accidentally fart. Then after you farted-you being in shock- you say DAMMIT!
Ohhhh shizzet...
Or example number 2. You cheat on her....
(Examples aren't necessarily a good thing...btw.)
Don't just be like, I'm sorry. And then pretend like she's your baby again. Try getting her flowers or be creative or something! Write her a song, make a movie about her! SOMETHING!!!! 
And just so you guys know, being creative scores you extra points ;)
Hope this helps!

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