Just for kicks, I wanted to answer the questions :)
1. What happened in your weirdest dream ever?
--I was upset and ran away to a cheesecake factory with circus carnies XD It was weird, because I don't like cheesecake XD
2. If you were to die tomorrow, and you had to go on a date with the person of your dreams, who would it be and what would you do?
--Ohhh, if he's reading this, he knows who he is :) & I was thinking some cool mega date, with a movie, skydiving, snorkeling, ice skating, going to a carnival, and drinking lotsa coffeeee!! :D Orrrr, just chillin' somewhere is cool with me too :]
3. You've just won a shopping spree at Longs. You have 5 minutes to grab whatever you want. Where do you go first, and what it is the first thing you buy?
--Dude, are you kidding me? Of COURSE I'd run straight to the chips section and get a bag of hot cheetos :D
4. What is the most embarrassing ringtone to have when your phone rings in the middle of class?
--Haha, I remember one time my phone's ringtone was like this really asian-ey chinese song XD I'm full Chinese and the class was realllllyyyyy quiet XD
5. What is a line from a song that describes your life?
-- "Don't be afraid of falling down, Just get back up when you hit the ground" Worth The Wait By: Lights Out Dancing
6. What is something embarrassing you sleep with at night?
--A blanket I've had since I was like born. And a TEDDY BEAR :) But shhhhh O:-) I'm trusting you!!
7. What is a bad habit you have?
--Tacking random shit to my wall.
8. What do you think is amazing?
--Elmer's glue!! It's BLUE and it dries INVISIBLE! Amazing, much?
9. What do you like to do when you're bored?
--Hahahahaha XD
10. Are you a pottttyyy mouth? O:-)
--Fuck yea bixchz XD
11. What is your favorite gum?
--5!!! I actually thought this WHOLE time that 5 gum was STRIDE gum. And I thought the 5 was supposed to be like a really cool S, you know? XD
12. What is the first thing you do when it starts to rain?
--Close the windows so the rain doesn't come in. Then I run outside and play in the rain until I get a fever the next day :)
13. Do you believe that everyone deserves a happy ending?
--Absolutely! I believe that everyone deserves a happy ending and that they're all beautiful people in their own way :]
14. Pizza Hut, Dominos, or Bostons Pizza?
--BOSTONS! My favorite pizza toppings are spinach&garlic :)
15. Hamburgers or Fried Chicken?
16. Do you walk thru the mud, or around the mud?
--Right on thru :D
17. What is your favorite thing about America?
--Fried Chicken
18. What is your favorite thing about Asia?
--Hawt FOBbies! :)
19. Pirates or Ninjas?
--I'm waiting for a hybrid of both to answer this question ;D
20. Whoever is reading this is attractive and just made my day :)