Sunday, January 3, 2010

What Day Is Today :-0

So, I was thinking. And I was thinking about what it would be like if everyone made up their own holiday. Just think about it. Wouldn’t you love someone asking you what day it was, and you got to say something like, “Oh, it’s Waffle Appreciation Day.” or “Don’t you know that today is, Uno Day?!” And after writing that, it got me thinking about 3 things.

1. Waffles are so much better than pancakes. Pancakes are like pillows. They’re nice and comfy, but you wouldn’t want to eat them.
2. I have never played Uno before. Like…in my life. Like…this life.
3. This is America, the land of opportunity. Why wouldn’t this be able to happen?

And then, it hit me. If this happened, I would be put at the top of every calendar maker’s hit list. Now wouldn’t it just be plain sad, if my friends had to break the news to my parents saying that I got murdered by calendar makers? XD Ahhh hide me! :O

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