Saturday, February 20, 2010

Be Strong.

Oh darling,
Don't let these tears reign over you,
Be strong and watch them fade away,
They roll down the sides of your porcelain skin,
Let them roll right off of your face,
Don't let yourself sink it too deep,
Or be dragged off far away,
Running is never the hard part,
The hard part is always staying,
So stay for all the things to stay for,
And all you have left to say,
Don't let yourself feel hurt,
And don't let yourself feel this way,
Don't feel so down and lowly,
And even try to say,
That any hurt you've been thru, you deserved to feel that way,
So let yourself feel strong and proud,
And ignore the things they say,
The only thing to remember is that;
You're as strong as you let yourself believe.


woodbeerighter said...

i like the way you said porcelain at the start. Not for the colour but the fragile quality of it. Love all your poems :)

woodbeerighter said...

don't forget the blog I love that too ;)