So where is my something? I don't believe in myself that much. And when I believe in other people, most times they let me down. So who do I believe in? God? But how can we believe in a God who, although have made such great things happen, have also let such horrible things happen in life. I know religion is all about having faith in a higher power, but should I even be asking God to prove that he exists? Maybe because I say he doesn't exist, to me, he doesn't. But that's not right. Well, God. Life feels like such shiet right now. So I guess that means...I should put even more faith in you than ever.
Love Always,
Me <3
Finally, a personal blog that looks worth reading. If I may make a suggestion, you might want to make an "about" page so the readers know a little info about you, the blogger. Also, you might want to go with a background other than white to make things easier to read, if you know how to change it.
Now, I suppose I should say something about the actual post, no? I solidly believe God exists, as I am thoroughly Christian. Things aren't always easy, but it always works out in the end if you do what you're supposed to and have faith in Him.
Just make sure you realize things don't always work out the way you expect.
I'll keep an eye on this for a bit and see if anything interesting comes out of it.
-A possible reader
You should believe in yourself. It's the only thing you can truly count on. That way, if you fail, there is only yourself to blame and you will try harder next time.
God, science, and other people are not dependable at all. You want something done or changed, it's all up to you.
I believe you can achieve anything you put your mind too. :) Have a great day.
Sometimes we need to take a deep breath, step back from our troubles, look around at the world, and ask ourselves what it's all about. We all have the desire to be known on a deeper level than we are. We all want to believe something else is more important than ourselves, because if it's all about me I'd never get through it. I'm too imperfect, too ... troubled for it to be just about me. I want to step into someone life and give a damn about them. I want to see the person on the bus whose eyes look dead. I wonder if we might be more useful to God if for a moment we stopped believing that we're number one? Take heart. Don't stop believing. Trust.
Great blog.
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