Friday, June 12, 2009

This Playground of Ours.

Hello my love,
The world is waiting for us,
and it's time we take hold of this playground.
Take the world by it's reigns,
Let blood race through your veins,
It's time to look reality in it's face.
Live it up, don't live down,
Cause commotion in town!,
Give everyone something to talk about.
We are such 'scandalous' people,
Who should be locked up in cages!
We are the people on all your front pages.
You could say that we're felons,
Who rob hell from heaven,
But we're being portrayed as such criminals!
We are much past yesterday,
and tomorrow's in our reach,
So don't wait to live,
Just hold on to your seats!
Yes, we're all just flesh and bones,
biodegradable matter,
But why always be on the negative side?
Optimism is SURELY the answer.
So if you're frowning right now,
Hang upside down on playgrounds,
So then everyone can see your bright smile.
Forget what you know,
Because trust me it's unreal.,
You'll never understand,
Until you trust what you feel.

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