Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Beginning.

It is in fact, the beginning. I have one year, to start placing at swim meets, and to go to States. If I don't, my parents are going to pull me out of swimming for good. Dude...this is so intense right here. I've been swimming for 3 years now, and it has become like the biggest part of my life. Swimming is the one thing I absolutely can't lose in my life. 
I have always been the average swimmer. But I think now that there's this huge pressure on me, that I've finally reached my breaking point. I mean, I'm sick of getting lapped at practices, of going to meets and watching other people get their times, I'm sick of not placing and not qualifying for meets. I think I've finally realized that I mean, I've been trying hard, I really have, but I haven't been trying my ABSOLUTE hardest. I mean if I have been trying my ABSOLUTE hardest, who knows, I could be a qualifying swimmer. This is going to be hard. I'm not going to lie, there a huge chance this isn't going to happen. But I have to try my absolute hardest, because losing swimming would be like losing a part of myself. It's time to get down to business.
 People believe in me, sure. My parents, don't. I'm sick of what they put my self esteem through, and the discouragement I receive from them.
So my lovely internet people, be prepared. Join me for the ride, as I begin to step it up and make a name for myself in the swimming world.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

My Thoughts On My Pondering :)

Just for kicks, I wanted to answer the questions :)

1. What happened in your weirdest dream ever?
--I was upset and ran away to a cheesecake factory with circus carnies XD It was weird, because I don't like cheesecake XD

2. If you were to die tomorrow, and you had to go on a date with the person of your dreams, who would it be and what would you do?
--Ohhh, if he's reading this, he knows who he is :) & I was thinking some cool mega date, with a movie, skydiving, snorkeling, ice skating, going to a carnival, and drinking lotsa coffeeee!! :D Orrrr, just chillin' somewhere is cool with me too :]

3. You've just won a shopping spree at Longs. You have 5 minutes to grab whatever you want. Where do you go first, and what it is the first thing you buy?
--Dude, are you kidding me? Of COURSE I'd run straight to the chips section and get a bag of hot cheetos :D

4. What is the most embarrassing ringtone to have when your phone rings in the middle of class?
--Haha, I remember one time my phone's ringtone was like this really asian-ey chinese song XD I'm full Chinese and the class was realllllyyyyy quiet XD

5. What is a line from a song that describes your life?
-- "Don't be afraid of falling down, Just get back up when you hit the ground" Worth The Wait By: Lights Out Dancing

6. What is something embarrassing you sleep with at night?
--A blanket I've had since I was like born. And a TEDDY BEAR :) But shhhhh O:-) I'm trusting you!!

7. What is a bad habit you have?
--Tacking random shit to my wall.

8. What do you think is amazing?
--Elmer's glue!! It's BLUE and it dries INVISIBLE! Amazing, much?

9. What do you like to do when you're bored?
--Hahahahaha XD

10. Are you a pottttyyy mouth? O:-)
--Fuck yea bixchz XD

11. What is your favorite gum?
--5!!! I actually thought this WHOLE time that 5 gum was STRIDE gum. And I thought the 5 was supposed to be like a really cool S, you know? XD

12. What is the first thing you do when it starts to rain?
--Close the windows so the rain doesn't come in. Then I run outside and play in the rain until I get a fever the next day :)

13. Do you believe that everyone deserves a happy ending?
--Absolutely! I believe that everyone deserves a happy ending and that they're all beautiful people in their own way :]

14. Pizza Hut, Dominos, or Bostons Pizza?
--BOSTONS! My favorite pizza toppings are spinach&garlic :)

15. Hamburgers or Fried Chicken?

16. Do you walk thru the mud, or around the mud?
--Right on thru :D

17. What is your favorite thing about America?
--Fried Chicken

18. What is your favorite thing about Asia?
--Hawt FOBbies! :)

19. Pirates or Ninjas?
--I'm waiting for a hybrid of both to answer this question ;D

20. Whoever is reading this is attractive and just made my day :)

Soooo Dead XD

I am dead.
So so dead.
Finals are in two days and I am SCREWWWWED.
I know they make the questions extra extremely hard to test to see if you really understand the material, and that's the thing. I understand the material, until they ask those god damn questions >.< And seriously, I can not be in the same room for like 2 hours working on a test. I can barely do anything for 2 hours in the first place. I can't even like watch a movie for 2 hours unless I like get up to use the bathroom or like eat something. Do you ever like, read a question, and then you think about the question, and then you totally don't even remember what the question was? That's me. That's allllll me right there. I even went to talk to a teacher for extra help, and after she explained to me for 5 minutes and I left, I didn't remember a thing she said. The only thing I remembered was that she was wearing a blue shirt...and that was pretty much it XD I mean, I study and all. I'm totally pro-studying, but like, it feels so unhelpful on the test, like I don't even see anything I studied ON THE TEST! So instead, right now I am currently looking at piano music, listening to music, watching reruns of tv shows noone watches anymore, painting my nails, eating food, talking on aim, spamming people with the link to my blog O:-) hehehe and yea. Alll at the same time. You know what makes me sad? They stopped showing full house :( I used to watch that show like EVERYYYYYYYYday. I LOVED that show XD I have no idea why, but I've seen like every episode XD I've also seen every episode of, Gilmore Girls, Southpark, Heroes, Gossip Girl, and Degrassi XD Lmfao.
Leave a comment! ^_^

Ponnnndering O:-)

So lately there's been a lot on my mind, and I figured that people who have a lot on their mind should have other things they could think about to take their mind off of other things :D

Soooo, just a few things to ponder about (:

1. What happened in your weirdest dream ever?
2. If you were to die tomorrow, and you had to go on a date with the person of your dreams, who would it be and what would you do?
3. You've just won a shopping spree at Longs. You have 5 minutes to grab whatever you want. Where do you go first, and what it is the first thing you buy?
4. What is the most embarrassing ringtone to have when your phone rings in the middle of class?
5. What is a line from a song that describes your life?
6. What is something embarrassing you sleep with at night?
7. What is a bad habit you have?
8. What do you think is amazing?
9. What do you like to do when you're bored?
10. Are you a pottttyyy mouth? O:-)
11. What is your favorite gum?
12. What is the first thing you do when it starts to rain?
13. Do you believe that everyone deserves a happy ending?
14. Pizza Hut, Dominos, or Bostons Pizza?
15. Hamburgers or Fried Chicken?
16. Do you walk thru the mud, or around the mud?
17. What is your favorite thing about America?
18. What is your favorite thing about Asia?
19. Pirates or Ninjas?
20. Whoever is reading this is attractive and just made my day :)

Feel free to leave a comment on your thoughts or answers to these questions!
It's much appreciated!
LotsaLove! <3

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Your Last Final Words...

Oh yes, it's that time of the year again.
Dun dun dun dunnnnnnnnnnnnnn
There is nothing more fun than trying to cram a semester length of work into your brain in about a week. The worst part is, is that they still give you homework the week before finals. And of course, every teacher gives you homework as if you only have homework that class. I'm so bad at planning D: I have to finish this 401 paged book by TOMORROW, and I read up to page 62. I also have to do a project, an ART project that is due in 2 days. It's an ART project. There's a reason why I'm not in ART. I think I'm actually going to avoid it all 4 years of high school. It's not that I don't enjoy drawing (hahaha I don't XD) It's just that we have to recreate a drawing from the renaissance period, and like that's the period where everyone is drawing odd looking people and Jesus. Everyyyy picture is about Jesus. Okay, no hard feelings man, but I just don't want to draw you. I draw as if I'm blindfolded and tied to a chair, and like, I don't want Jesus to look bad. I LIKE JESUS. Ugh, and on top of it all, SPORTS. It takes up like 2 hours straight after you end school, and you go home all tired and groggy and talking all incoherent like. And when you try to start homework, all you can think about is sleeping. Hahaha oh yes, but instead of sleeping I'm blogging to give myself a reason not to do homework. Hahaha I wish I had people to blog for XD
You guys are lucky~

Sunday, January 3, 2010

What Day Is Today :-0

So, I was thinking. And I was thinking about what it would be like if everyone made up their own holiday. Just think about it. Wouldn’t you love someone asking you what day it was, and you got to say something like, “Oh, it’s Waffle Appreciation Day.” or “Don’t you know that today is, Uno Day?!” And after writing that, it got me thinking about 3 things.

1. Waffles are so much better than pancakes. Pancakes are like pillows. They’re nice and comfy, but you wouldn’t want to eat them.
2. I have never played Uno before. Like…in my life. Like…this life.
3. This is America, the land of opportunity. Why wouldn’t this be able to happen?

And then, it hit me. If this happened, I would be put at the top of every calendar maker’s hit list. Now wouldn’t it just be plain sad, if my friends had to break the news to my parents saying that I got murdered by calendar makers? XD Ahhh hide me! :O