Sunday, January 10, 2010

Soooo Dead XD

I am dead.
So so dead.
Finals are in two days and I am SCREWWWWED.
I know they make the questions extra extremely hard to test to see if you really understand the material, and that's the thing. I understand the material, until they ask those god damn questions >.< And seriously, I can not be in the same room for like 2 hours working on a test. I can barely do anything for 2 hours in the first place. I can't even like watch a movie for 2 hours unless I like get up to use the bathroom or like eat something. Do you ever like, read a question, and then you think about the question, and then you totally don't even remember what the question was? That's me. That's allllll me right there. I even went to talk to a teacher for extra help, and after she explained to me for 5 minutes and I left, I didn't remember a thing she said. The only thing I remembered was that she was wearing a blue shirt...and that was pretty much it XD I mean, I study and all. I'm totally pro-studying, but like, it feels so unhelpful on the test, like I don't even see anything I studied ON THE TEST! So instead, right now I am currently looking at piano music, listening to music, watching reruns of tv shows noone watches anymore, painting my nails, eating food, talking on aim, spamming people with the link to my blog O:-) hehehe and yea. Alll at the same time. You know what makes me sad? They stopped showing full house :( I used to watch that show like EVERYYYYYYYYday. I LOVED that show XD I have no idea why, but I've seen like every episode XD I've also seen every episode of, Gilmore Girls, Southpark, Heroes, Gossip Girl, and Degrassi XD Lmfao.
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