Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Years Eve!!

It's December 31st! Its time for obnoxiously loud fireworks, and being stuck in smoke you can barely breath in! I love New Years Eve, I really do. I love setting off fireworks, even though I'm a total wimp. I'm a 24/7 klutzz, so on New Years Eve, I am a total safety hazard. I remember last year, we had this little box we were going to light. I went over to light it, and then I ran away as quickly as I could, and I remember accidentally knocking it over, and it was pointing STRAIGHT at us. That was a total ohhhhh sh*t moment XD I hope everyone has a good new years eve, and an even better 2010! Remember to set goals for yourself, because it's worth looking back on New Years Eve of 2010 being proud of all the accomplishments you had in 2010. So, it's the time of the year to be greatly inspired and ambitious. Let's start 2010 with a bang everyone (:

Yours Truly ^_^

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