Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Outta my head

Ugh, just when you think you finally got that incredibly stupid crush out of your head, you find it floating in the back of your mind. *Whack Whack* It's bad enough I had to go through all of the pain of rejection, but to have to go through it again?!?!? Now that's suicide. It's almost as if I don't WANT to like this person, but I'm being FORCED to like this person. At first I just thought I was idiot for liking this person, and then I just started feeling like an idiot because I never stopped thinking of him, and then I felt like an idiot for even considering that I had a chance, and then I just figured out that I was an idiot. Go figure huh? But I just can't stop thinking about the way he laughs and the way he smiles, and then I remembered the whole idiot process, and then I'll get over him for what seems to have been 3 weeks turns out to be like 3 seconds. I know, "mentally challenged" pshhhh more like " guy challenged". Might as well just give it up, billions of anorexic girls are all over him every day, why be one of them? I'll be the dorky social reject who sits in the corner and blogs my problems. And of course I'll pretty much think of him every second of my pathetic miserable life and he probably won't consider me any more than just " that girl ". But I like to think that I've made an inspirational impact on his life, to compare someone like me to pretty people. Hahaha. Sorry that was just like a zoning out moment. Whooo... ANYWAYS it's not that Ihate him and it's not like I'm in love with him....well not I'm aware of...but he's just there...and I'm just here...

1 comment:

Lisa said...

dude....u need to get over him! or at least find a new guy.


--Freakier Than You