Sunday, November 30, 2008

Sneak Peek ;)

A sneak peek to my 3 paged book xD

Looking back to two years ago, I don’t really feel like my feelings have changed for him at all. I think I actually feel like he’s the one person that can break my heart but keep it from falling apart all at the same time. I’ve known him since 3rd grade. Aw, such sweet memories of 4-square and dodge-ball… I don’t even remember how we became friends, but when I think about it, I just remember hanging out with him. His jokes were always the funniest, well, maybe not the FUNNIEST, but the way he said them was funny. He was the coolest dude I knew, mostly cause he was the only guy cool enough to sport a mullet. And let me tell you, he ROCKED that thing. I was a fatty…but he didn’t really care. He had a mullet…so we were even.

I remembered the way I felt when I found out he was moving. My heart was cut off its strings and the feeling of loneliness overcame me. It was hard imagining that the person I loved for 3 years could just LEAVE. And yes. I LOVE him. With everyday that passed, I just fell more and more in love with him. It wasn’t until he actually left that I realized that it wasn’t the kiddy love I felt for all my friends, but it was the kind of love that hurt. It was the kind of love that told me that I couldn’t live without him. I didn’t want him anymore...I NEEDED him.

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