Saturday, November 1, 2008

What happened to the trick or treaters?

Fellow non blog readers, what happened to you guys TRICK OR TREATING!?!? I spent the last 2 hours trying to find a decent place to ask for candy! And Oh My Gawd. Atleast TELL us that you're NOT going to give us candy. Like we walked up to a house with ALL their lights on, and we're like TRICK OR TREAT!! And they don't even ANSWER us. They just carry on while we awkwardly walk away with our (yet again) empty bags. And you GIRLS, with the bunny and cat ears, and the hooker outfits from Sluts'R'Us, didn't you know you were supposed to DRESS UP? Not be yourself ? I think we should change the name from Sluts'R'Us to Sluts'R'U. I think it's a bit more accurate.
Everyone says that the economy toilets so badly, that people can't even afford to BUY CANDY. I'm sorry, I'm not buying this. ARE YOU?
I didn't think so.
Don't get your hopes up out there...

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