Tuesday, February 12, 2008

*Sighz...* Take One Billion Three Hundred Thirty Two

I feel like a complete and total idiot, in a good way..if that's possible. Someone....I'm not saying who :-/ hid his stuff in the girl's bathroom. Which was really funny, because it was really in an empty locker XD. It was soooo cute and funny the way he was all panicky and looking for his laptop case, his planner, and his english binder =]. It's funny the way he smiles, even when he's all pissy. It's cute the way he's pissy, cause it's like... he doesn't really get mad, it's just idk. I ran outta words. I think this was one of the most best crushes I've ever had. Who knew someone could make you smile so much, even when you're at your worst.

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