Friday, May 8, 2009

The Irkable.

So now you know. I am part of.... the irkable. What is the irkable? The Irkable are the people who are irk-able. I am just getting SO PEEVED at like everything. For one thing, I HATE this STUPID private school. It's not the stupid sob story where I'm "hiding behind a mask" and no one will ever understand me. No, not at all. It's like I have put myself entirely out there, and everyone is just rejecting it, rejecting me. And this stupid friend thing. Friends are supposed to be there. I have no pet peeve against people changing, because change can be for the better, and I am living proof of that. But when people change for the worse.... Well what the hell am I supposed to do? You can't TELL the person that, and you can't just IGNORE it. And I am just SO SICK OF EVERYTHING. EVERY SINGLE THING. For once, JUST ONCE, can't I just live my life? Everything was going right, the friends, school, swimming, it was just so....simple. And I love simple, because when things get complicated, they're just complicated. And you know what Blog? There's a guy involved too. Doesn't that suck? Si. So Blog, until next time. 
I love you Rant Buddy.

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